Assessment of the prospects for the implementation of PPPs and concession projects in the field of information technology and communications in Russia
You & Partners, together with the Hyperion Strategic Group, released a study entitled “Assessment of the prospects for the implementation of PPPs and concession projects in the field of information technology and communications in Russia” (Stage 1).
The authors of the study set themselves the task of creating accessible methodological material for the implementation of PPPs and concession projects in the field of IT. For this purpose, the relevant legislation was examined and described (on public-private partnerships, on concession agreements, on information and data protection), the main risks arising from the implementation of such projects are described, a sequence of steps for launching a PPP or concession project in the field of IT is also described.
Also, as part of the Study, a description was given of the existing investment models for implementing IT projects before the adoption of Federal Law No. 173-FZ dated June 29, 2018 “On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, as well as some predictions about how the market will change with the entry into force of this federal law.
The authors of the Study also summarized their experience in interacting with several constituent entities of the Russian Federation regarding the implementation of projects in a new format and identified common positions and opinions of regions on the topic, which models will be most in demand by public law entities and the market in the near future, what difficulties may participants of IT projects face, what part of the legislation needs to be adjusted.
The full text of the Study (Stage 1) can be found here. View the Study in Russian.
Work is currently underway on Phase 2 Research.