The Company is the legal owner of the following trademarks:
- Trademark certificate № 701259
Trade lemark certificate № 701105
Trademark certificate № 157182
Terms of use
All materials that are available on youandpartners ru website including textual materials, analytics, graphical images, photographs, trademariks, logos, presentations or any other elements of the website comprise Company's intellectual property. Any personal or commercial use of the materials is expressly prohibited unless a prior written consent of the Company is given.
Legal information
Analytical materials that are published on youandpartners ru website are for informational use only and are not to be considered as legal consultation. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by actions resulting from the use of and reliance upon the content of youandpartners-ru website, Should you require any assistance do not hesitate contacting.
16. Tverskaya str., bld. 1, room 807-B, Moscow, Russia
+7 (499) 673 07 03