15 December 2021 at 10:00 am

The increasing pace of digitalization has affected most aspects of our daily lives. Due to the fact that information and, in particular, our personal data is processed by a large number of operators, problems related to the regulation of legal relations in this area are arising more and more frequently.

This is mainly due to widespread violations of the illegal use of personal and other types of information.

At the same time, digitalization also contributes to the growth of automation. Programs and technical means with a significant share of autonomy moderate social networks, manage vehicles, and recommend consumer products.

As autonomy increases, so do the risks of its abuse.

Digital ethics is aimed at finding the best models for applying the latest advances in digital technology while balancingout the interests of all users.

The webinar organized by You & Partners in collaboration with the Data Management Department of the analyticalcenter under the Government of the Russian Federation, will attempt to answer some of the dilemmas associated with the ethical challenges posed to society by digitalization.

The key questions on this topic include:

  • what is digital ethics?

  • In what areas of information technology can ethical principles be applied?

  • how can digital ethics affect regulation?

  • international practice in implementing ethical principles in digital technology.

Event finished

16 November 2021 at 10:00 am

We happily announce our analytical study "PPP in IT: a user manual", which is the second (final) part of the comprehensive study "Assessment of the prospects for the implementation of PPP and concession projects in the field of IT and communications".

This Study summarizes the results of the launch of the first regional projects, information on the initiatives that are currently being implemented, and contains materials designed to provide methodological support for the launch of PPP projects in IT. The first part that was published in 2019, was dedicated to an in-depth analysis of the adopted legislation on PPP in IT (173-FZ) and the emerging opportunities for structuring concession and PPP projects in this area at both the regional and federal levels.

The study is practice-oriented. We have generalized step-by-step algorithms for launching PPP and concession projects in IT, identified key pain points (including the issue of ensuring bankability of such projects) and expanded and deepened the comments on the key sections of the IT concession and PPP agreements (data processing, provision of services using the object of the agreement, GIS creation and development). This study contains a large number of links to methodological materials (developed by the team of authors of this study), using which you will find it easier to structure projects. Use our questionnaires, the roadmap for the development of regulations, innovations in the part of the technical expert and technical monitor.

During the webinar the authors shall discuss the practical tools for the implementation of PPP projects in IT and give general recommendations on the application of the study during project work.

Event finished

30 November 2021 at 10:00 am

Due to the high demand for the webinar "Analyzing a Memorandum of Risk of a Concession/PPP Project" You & Partners decided to present a new practice-oriented webinar dedicated to the analysis of the text of several concession agreements developed in the framework of the company's projects.

Key sections of concession agreements that shall be covered during the webinar include:

  • rights and obligations of the parties;

  • description of the object of the agreement;

  • reporting of the concessionaire;

  • control of the concessionaire.

Event finished

15 December 2021 at 10:00 am

The increasing pace of digitalization has affected most aspects of our daily lives. Due to the fact that information and, in particular, our personal data is processed by a large number of operators, problems related to the regulation of legal relations in this area are arising more and more frequently.

This is mainly due to widespread violations of the illegal use of personal and other types of information.

At the same time, digitalization also contributes to the growth of automation. Programs and technical means with a significant share of autonomy moderate social networks, manage vehicles, and recommend consumer products.

As autonomy increases, so do the risks of its abuse.

Digital ethics is aimed at finding the best models for applying the latest advances in digital technology while balancingout the interests of all users.

The webinar organized by You & Partners in collaboration with the Data Management Department of the analyticalcenter under the Government of the Russian Federation, will attempt to answer some of the dilemmas associated with the ethical challenges posed to society by digitalization.

The key questions on this topic include:

  • what is digital ethics?

  • In what areas of information technology can ethical principles be applied?

  • how can digital ethics affect regulation?

  • international practice in implementing ethical principles in digital technology.

Event finished

23 August 2021 at 10:00 am

The relevance of this topic is driven by the fact that offset contracts offer an interesting alternative to existing investment mechanisms. Market participants are demonstrating an increasing interest in offset contracts. They have already signed and are currently implementing five offset contracts in Moscow and the Moscow Region with a total value of over 90 billion rubles. SPVs implementing such projects are established by major international and domestic manufacturers - leaders in their industries: BIOCAD, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Gemamed, PSK-Pharma, R-OPRA. Also, an offset contract is currently being prepared for the Republic of Bashkortostan. The webinar will cover key issues related to the conclusion and implementation of offset contracts:
  • implementation of offset contracts;
  • regulation of offset contracts;
  • comparison of offset contracts with other investment mechanisms (PPP agreement, concession agreement, Special Investment Contract, Agreement on the Protection and Promotion of Investments);
  • analysis of offset contracts that are already being implemented;
  • discussion of possible prospects for the application of offset contracts in new areas.
Event finished

20 July 2021 at 10:00 am

One of the key elements in most concession and PPP agreements is project financing. The involvement of bank financing is possible in most cases via a direct agreement between the public, private and the financing parties. When considering whether to provide financing for a project, banks ask the investor to submit a memorandum on the risks of the project. Such a memorandum must cover the procedure for concluding an agreement with the public side, a procedure for concluding a direct agreement with the financing party and the legal powers of the public party to enter such agreements. Furthermore, the memorandum must cover the risks arising from the provisions of such agreements and regulatory grey areas of the relevant legislation. You & Partners is presenting a webinar that will provide practical advice on how to assess the risks of a PPP project and prepare risk memoranda based on its experience in PPP projects. The webinar will cover the following issues:
  • risk memorandum - structure, addressees, purpose;
  • what risks of the project should be reflected in the risk memorandum for every stage of project implementation;
  • recommendations on preparing risk memorandums.
Event finished

30 June 2021 at 10:00 am

The largest market players have recently been increasing the pace of development of their digital platforms. Russian corporations are among the world leaders in this area. The largest digital platforms combine the following services:
  • financial services;
  • trading platform services;
  • entertainment services.
Regulation in this sphere becomes a critical issue, because disrupting the balance of interests between digital platform owners and third parties, regulators may launch serious consequences resulting in violation of rights and interests of both entrepreneurs and consumers. In such circumstances, an integrated, ecosystem-like approach to legal regulation becomes important. Necessary changes must be considered from various perspectives covering all elements of a digital platform or marketplace at once. You & Partners presents a webinar that will analyze the legislation of the Russian Federation governing legal relationships in this area with a comparative study of foreign regulation that could serve as a guide for future development. The webinar will cover the following issues:
  • the boundaries of data use by marketplaces and digital platforms;
  • current regulation of digital platforms and marketplaces in the Russian Federation;
  • international approaches to regulation;
  • features worth paying attention to from the perspective of owners of marketplaces, digital platforms, consumers and other interested parties.
Event finished

19 November 2020 at 10:00 am

During the webinar, experts will address the following key issues:
  • analysis of the PPP market in the field of IT
       - ongoing projects in the field of IT prior to amendments to the PPP legislation in the field of IT;
       - ongoing projects in the field of IT after amendments to the PPP legislation in the field of IT.

  • features of the implementation of PPP projects in the field of IT
       - issues regulated by the agreement;
       - possible objects of the agreement;
       - use of information in PPP projects.

  • legal environment of a PPP project in IT
       - is the agreement sufficient for the implementation of the PPP project;
       - methodology for studying the legal environment of the project;
       - ways of changing the legal environment of a PPP project at the regional and federal levels.

  • legislative changes for the PPP market in IT
       - changes in sectoral legislation in the field of PPP;
       - changes in the IT field affecting the PPP market. 
Event finished

10 November 2020 at 10:00 am

During the webinar, experts will address the following key issues:
  • basic provisions of the Concept;
  • objective obstacles to the implementation of the provisions of the Concept and approaches to overcoming them;
  • industries that will be primarily affected by the adoption of the Concept;
  • assessment of the directions and scope of changes in legal regulation in accordance with the Concept;
  • features of adaptation of the current legislation to the ideas of the Concept. Mechanisms and technologies for modernizing legal regulation;
  • risks associated with the introduction of new legal norms into the current legislation in terms of the development of regulation of relations in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
Event finished

27 October 2020 at 10:00 am

During the webinar, experts will address the following key issues:
  • prehistory of the adoption of the professional standard "PPP Specialist"  
       - other professional standards governing activities in the field of PPP and investments ("Specialist in working with investment projects").
  • description of the professional standard "PPP Specialist"
       - provided labor functions;
       - a list of embedded OKVED codes.
  • what areas will the adoption of the professional standard affect?
       - labor Relations;  
       - contractual relationship;
       - procurement relations.
  • application of a professional standard in contractual, procurement relations 
  • general guidelines for the application of professional standards in the company.
Event finished

12 February 2019 at 7:00 pm

Attention! Attention!

Inspired by the interest caused by “PPP Harmful Advice” No. 1, You & Partners decided to tell you again about the worst practices of implementing PPP projects in our country as part of the “PPP Harmful Advice 2.0” event.
For those who want to attend the event the second time: we will prepare something new for you. As always, there will be a lot of interesting, funny and useful information.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this time we will help the «Big Change» Foundation, which helps children from orphanages get a good education and feel interest in learning: https://sluchaem.ru/event/2303.

Place and time will be reported to registered participants.
The event is open to business representatives, in-house lawyers, representatives from government bodies.

Will be announced
Event finished

26 July 2018 at 7:30 pm

Дорогие дамы,

Приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашей теплой весенней встрече юных леди.

Тема встречи: «Как сделать карьеру женщине-юристу?»

Мы поговорим о:

  • как оставаться востребованным профессионалом и женщиной в деловой среде;
  • как эффективно работать с подчиненными и начальством;
  • как взять под контроль сложную ситуацию и выйти из нее с честью.

Мы не собираемся ставить какие-либо официальные доклады или презентации в график. Во время встречи у вас будет возможность познакомиться с коллегами-юристами и задать интересующие вопросы профессиональным тренерам и HR-специалистам, специализирующимся на женском лидерстве.


The venue will b provided to the registered participants via e-mail
Event finished

21 December 2018 at 5:30 pm

Как часто мы можем слышать советы по проектам ГЧП? Что действительно нужно для того, чтобы проект шел гладко и гладко?

На нашем мероприятии вы не услышите ни одного совета по продвижению проекта. Мы в шутливой форме расскажем о худших практиках реализации проектов ГЧП в нашей стране.

Если ты разбил окно, дружище,

Не спешите с исповедью.

Подожди немного, на всякий случай

Внезапного акта войны.

Артиллерия выстрелит,

Разбивая окна везде,

Тогда никто тебя не обвинит

За стекло, которое ты разбил.

«Вредный совет» Григория Остера

Приходить! Будет весело!

В любом случае, ГЧП доставляет массу удовольствия!

Will be announced
Event finished